A passionate aspiring Full Stack Developer skilled in MERN stack,
moulded and shaped by Masai School's numerous trainings.Actively
ready to join in great living team of a good start-up to adapt me in any
situation and environment with ease and perform the best.
My Proficiency
Front End
HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, SCSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, React JS, Redux, Next JS, Material UI.
Back End
Node JS, Express JS, Java Springboot, Hibernate, MySQL, MongoDB.
Data Structures & Algorithms
Arrays,Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Algorithms...
We, team Silicon at Masai School developed the clone on monday.com in just 3 days as a part of our curriculum’s Module 1 project evaluation.
Hello Bonsai
We team of 3 members at Masai School developed the clone of hellobonsai.com in 4 days as a part of our curriculum’s Unit 2 Build Week evaluation.
The Hindu
React, Redux, CSS, JavaScript, Material UI
We team of 4 members at Masai School developed the clone of The Hindu in 4 days as a part of our curriculum’s Unit 3 Build Week evaluation.
Google Maps
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MapBox GL
This Project was developed in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and implementation of maps using MapBox GL. User can find distance and directions from one place to other using this application and also view the current location.
Cause We Care!
NextJs, CSS, WebRTC, Google Maps API, React Player
A product website that helps people with information about nearest hospital facilities and consulting a doctor on chat & Video "Cause We Care!".
Check out my resume!
I have Completed
Hours of Coding
Online Judge Problems
Git Commits